HTY 105: World Civilizations I Prehistory to 1500

Suggestions: types of projects

Project Suggestions:

Just a few generic ideas:

  • Website
  • Research poster
  • Children's book
  • Podcast or radio show
  • Create a pathfinder (Resource Guide) or website of different types of information sources on a topic
  • Write or create a piece of music, art, or creative writing in a particular style or genre
  • Video

Background Sources


  1. Know the assignment. What is Dr. B. asking for?

  2. Select possible "nouns" and look at the basic information about each.
    Are they worthy of your time and attention?

  3. What types of information will help you with each Noun?

  4. Answer Dr. B's questions: 

    • break it down: the facts and the significance of the noun

    • impacts then and now / legacy

    • so what

  5. Why is it important to know about these? Also, are there connections?

Accessibility Statement
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