Start by using terms directly from the assignment (example: enzyme structure and function) as search terms.
For best access to all available library materials in the below databases, log in with your student credentials through Brightspace or through your portal at
ScienceDirect is a full-text collection of journals on science, technology, and medicine published by Elsevier. The University of Maine System Libraries have access to Complete and the Freedom Collection, which together comprise more than 1,800 journals, most with backfiles from 1995 to present. There are some ScienceDirect journal titles to which University users do not have access. Elsevier provides lists of titles included and excluded from the Freedom Collection at
Academic Search Ultimate, the flagship database within the Academic Search family, boasts an extensive collection of 10,033 active full-text journals, a significant portion of which undergo peer review and are featured in prominent citation indexes. It covers a wide range of subject areas offering thousands of international journals to provide global context to research as well as videos to support and enhance the research experience. With a total journal retail value of $3,573,743.05, it stands as the largest database in the Academic Search suite.
Searchable electronic archive of full-text papers in all areas of psychology, neuroscience, and linguistics, as well as computer science, philosophy, biology, medicine, anthropology, and any other areas of the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to the study of cognition. Includes pre-prints and reprints from published journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and personal collections.