HUS 220 - Child Mental Health

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How to set up a folder in an EBSCO Database

How to set up a folder in any EBSCO Database

Click on the button in blue that says: Sign In to My EBCSOhost.

Click on “I’m a new user”

Type in your information and click on Submit at the bottom of the page

You will see a message that lets you know your account has been created.

Click on Continue.

You will be taken back to the first screen and will notice a yellow band across the EBSCOhost button that says My Folder on it. This lets you know you are now logged in and can begin to put articles in your folder.

It is important to log in before you do your search. To add items to your folder click on Add to folder.

Once you place items in your folder they will stay in there until you delete them. You will notice the folder icon at the top of the page will appear open this will let you know you know you have successfully added an article.

To view all articles in your folder simply click on the folder icon you will see the items listed on the next screen.

LibrarySearch: Start Here!

Check out LibrarySearch! It searches for books, articles, videos, and other types of information in one place. It also searches the resources in the libraries of the UMaine system. Visit the link below for more information or to being your search.

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Accessing the Library Online from Home

To access library resources from home you will need to login, or authenticate, into the library system. The library is required to verify that you are a student, faculty, or staff member with your login. You may either login using your username and password, OR with your last name and library card number. 

LibrarySearch Login: Your information is the same username and password you use to access the UMA portal, Brightspace/Brightspace, MaineStreet, and other University resources.

Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.