Veterinary Technology

A research guide for students enrolled in Veterinary Technology at UMA - Bangor.


All of the books in the library are shelved by call number -- this keeps books on similar topics together.  Most of the books needed for the Vet Tech program can be found under the SF call numbers on the shelves.  Most of these books can be found at the Nottage Library in Belfast Hall on the Bangor campus.

Also -- don't just browse the shelves!  We are starting to collect e-books that you can find in the catalog (URSUS) but not (obviously) on the shelves.  The perfect book on your topic may be available as an e-book, so check the catalog.

The SF section is broken into two major sections, one focusing on animals (general information) and the other on veterinary medicine specifically.  For this reason, books about horses can be found in two different locations.  Below is a list of subject areas and an alphabetical list of general topics and then call numbers associated with those topics:

  • General Reference, Textbooks:
    • SF 1-113
    • SF 600-750
  • Veterinary Medical Ethics
    • SF 756.39
  • Veterinary Pain Management
    • SF 910-914
  • Veterinary Parasitology
    • SF 810
  • Veterinary Pharmacology
    • SF 915-919
  • Veterinary Preclinical Sciences (including animal behavior, anatomy, immunology)
    • SF 756.5-769.5
  • Specific Animals
    • Cats
      • SF 441-450
      • SF 981-992
    • Cattle
      • SF 191-275
    • Dogs
      • SF 421-440.2
      • SF 981-992
    • Exotic Animals, Birds, Rabbits
      • SF 994-992.5
    • Horses
      • SF 277-360
      • SF 951-959
    • Lab Animals
      • SF 405.5-407
    • Small Animal
      • SF 421-455
      • SF 981-992

Don't hesitate to call the Nottage Library at 207-262-7900 to ask for help finding books on veterinary medicine and animals in general.

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The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.