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ENG 101 - College Writing


ENG 101 is a course in expository writing, which is writing that seeks to inform, explain, clarify, define or instruct.
Please use this guide to navigate the library's resources while you work on your writing assignments for ENG 101, as well as for research for other courses you might be taking. We hope you will find it useful.

LibrarySearch: Start Here!

Check out LibrarySearch! It searches for books, articles, videos, and other types of information in one place. It also searches the resources in the libraries of the UMaine system. Visit the link below for more information or to being your search.

UMA Online Writing & Research Lab

Writing help 2

Three stickies with different colors on top of each other. "Writing help" written on top stickie


The UMA Writing Centers and VAWLT tutors offer UMA students free online and in person tutoring sessions.


Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.