HTY 325: History of Human Rights

Librarian's Note

The links on this page are intended for use by students in Robert Bernheim's course, HTY 325: The History of Human Rights. In addition you may find many resources online via OneSearch, or the URSUS library catalog. If you want to browse the library shelves in-person, try the following book sections:

  • D: World History and the History of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
  • E: History of the Americas
  • F: Local History of the Americas
  • G: Geography, Anthropology, and Recreation

Reference and Instruction Librarian

HTY 325: Background information

Video Clip assignment and other resources

HTY 325: Article Databases

Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.