National Assessment of Educational Progress Performance in reading, math & other subjects for grades 4, 8, & 12. |
Digest of Education Statistics Graduation rates, student grades by subject, attendance, homework, & college admissions test scores. |
Common Core of Data No. of high school graduates, completers, AP enrollment, and dropouts by district. |
Special Education (IDEA) National and state statistics on children & students with disabilities served under IDEA. |
Civil Rights Data Collection School & district enrollment, grades offered, number of students and type of school by student race, ethnicity, sex, and disability. |
State Education Reforms Assessments, standards, accountability, readiness, charter schools, and school choice by state. |
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Child development, school readiness, & school experiences. |
Highschool Longitudinal Study of 2009 Students' trajectories from the beginning of high school into postsecondary education, the workforce, and beyond |
NCES Fast Facts K-12 demographics and statistics. |
National Education Longitudinal Study Educational & personal development of young people. |
National Household Education Survey Early child education, school readiness, family involvement in education, and before- and after-school activities. |
Career/Technical Education Statistics High school participation in career & technical education. |
International Data Explorer Performance in reading, math, & other areas across countries from PISA, PIRLS, & TIMMS studies. |
Program for International Student Assessment Reading, math, and science scores for 15-year-olds in 70 countries. |
Trends in International Math & Science Survey Compares U.S. math & science achievement to that of other countries. |
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study An international comparative study of literacy. |
ED Data Express No. of schools per state or district. |
Elementary/Secondary Information System State, CBSA, county & district level information on public schools. |
Public School District Search No. of schools, students, & teachers by district. |
Public School Search Schools by enrollment & Title I status. |
Education Finance Statistics Center Financial data from public school districts. |