NUR 352 - Nursing Research

This guide provides information on conducting research for Nursing topics.

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Cory Budden
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The Differences Between Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Qualitative Methods

Quantitative Methods

Methods typically include in-depth interviews, focus groups, review of documents for theme Methods typically include surveys, structured observations and interviews, reviews of documents for numeric, quantifiable information
Process of taking in information to formulate a theory or hypothesis Process of deducting to test pre-specified concepts, hypothesis and constructs that make up a theory
Text-based Number-based
In-depth information on a few cases Breadth of information across a large number of cases
Open-ended response options for participants Fixed response options such as multiple choice questions on a survey
No statistical tests Statistical tests used for analysis
Less generalizable because they tend to focus on smaller groups and their attitudes and experiences. More generalizable because they often incorporate aggregate data from large studies. 

Search terms

Qualitative research methods

When searching for qualitative studies, try adding these search terms.

Research methods: Observation, interview, grounded theory, experience
Study Types: Ethnography, phenomenology, biography
Data Analysis: Interrelationship, thematic

Quantitative research methodsQuantitative Research Methods

When searching for quantitative studies, try adding these search terms.

Research Methods: Validity, hypothesis, variable, intervention
Study Types: Clinical trial, experimental research, randomized control trial
Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics, e-test, ANOVA. 

Quantitative Research Search Terms

Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.