ENG 301 - History of the English Language

ENG 301: History of the English Language

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Finding English Literature in the Stacks

Find English literature in the library stacks in the following locations organized according to Library of Congress classification codes:

  • PR1-9680 English literature
  • PR1-56 Literary history and criticism
  • PR57-78 Criticism
  • PR111-116 Women authors
  • PR125-(138.5) Relations to other literatures and countries
  • PR161-488 By period
  • PR171-236 Anglo-Saxon (Beginnings through 1066)
  • PR251-369 Medieval. Middle English (1066-1500)
  • PR401-488 Modern
  • PR421-(429) Elizabethan era (1550-1640)
  • PR431-(439) 17th century
  • PR441-(449) 18th century
  • PR451-(469) 19th century
  • PR471-(479) 20th century
  • PR481-488 21st century
  • PR500-614 Poetry
  • PR621-744 Drama
  • PR750-890 Prose  
  •  PR901-907.2 Oratory
  • PR908 Diaries
  • PR911-918 Letters
  • PR921-928 Essays
  • PR931-938 Wit and humor
  • PR(951)-981 Folk literature
  • PR1098-1369 Collections of English literature
  • PR1110 Special classes of authors
  • PR1490-1799 Anglo-Saxon literature
  • PR1803-2165 Anglo-Norman period. Early English. Middle PR English
  • PR2199-3195 English renaissance (1500-1640)
  • PR3291-3785 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770)
  • PR3991-5990 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900 ​
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The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at uma.library@maine.edu to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.