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Mental Health Resources

This guide has resources on all kinds of mental health issues, as well as information on our Mental Health Awareness Month Events.

Mental health is important!

Navigating both school and our daily lives can put a lot of stress on our mental health, but no one is alone in this struggle. We all have times where we feel overwhelmed, overworked, anxious, or depressed. The UMA community is always here to support our fellow Moose when we need extra support!

In support of Mental Health Awareness Month, UMA Libraries and Counseling Services (with help from the SGA, Student Support & Development, and the UMA Wellness Committee) has created this collection of resources, as well as planned a couple of events to support mental health. We have decided to keep this guide available year round to act as a continual resource for the UMA community. 

UMA Mental Health Resources

  • UMA's Counseling Services
    • UMA counselors provides a safe, non-judgmental setting where you can discuss your challenges and get support, free of charge for students. You and the clinical counselor work together to agree on what issues you want to address, and what you want to get out of the counseling process.
  • UMA's 24/7 Mental Health Hotline: (207) 621-3344
    • If you need immediate assistance, or would like to speak with someone when the Counseling Services office is closed, you can call this number. 
Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.