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ANT 121/122 - Native American Cultures

This guide was created to accompany ANT/HUM 121 - Native American Cultures I. A comprehensive survey of the major Native American cultures that existed in North, Central, and South America before the European invasion.

Not yet finished...

This guide was created to accompany ANT 121 - Native American Cultures I.  Any suggestions, comments, etc. are welcome - and encouraged.

Course Description:  

ANT/AME 121:
A survey of traditional Native American cultures and their relationships to European cultures. Following an overview of traditional cultures in North, Central, and South America, representative cultures from each of the three geographic areas will be studied in detail.

ANT/AME 122:
A comprehensive survey of the major Native American cultures that existed in North, Central, and South America before the European invasion. Cultures studied will include paleo, archaic, formative, classic, and post-classic examples from throughout the Americas

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