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Generative AI: Artificial Intelligence - Large Language Models

A guide to generative AI (artificial intelligence) and its impact on higher education.

AI Syllabus Best Practices to Consider

Creating clear syllabus language around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in a course is crucial for setting expectations and facilitating effective learning. Here are three best practices for faculty in this context:

  1. Define AI's Role and Relevance: Clearly articulate the role of artificial intelligence in the course and its relevance to the subject matter. Explain how AI will be integrated, what specific concepts or tasks it will enhance, and how it aligns with the learning objectives. This helps students understand the purpose and benefits of AI's inclusion and sets the tone for their engagement.

  2. Explain AI Integration and Tools: Detail how AI will be integrated into the course. Explain the AI tools, technologies, or software platforms that will be used, and provide information on how students will engage with them. If students need to use specific programming languages or tools, mention these requirements and any resources available for learning them.

  3. Discuss Ethical and Social Considerations: Address the ethical and societal considerations associated with AI in your syllabus. Explain that discussions will go beyond technical aspects to encompass ethical dilemmas, biases, privacy concerns, and broader societal impacts. This shows students that the course is well-rounded and encourages them to think critically about the implications of AI.

AI Syllabus Statement Examples

Prohibiting AI use in your course examples:

"Welcome to [Course Name]. This course has been intentionally designed to explore [specific topics or approaches] without the use of artificial intelligence technologies. While AI is an important field, this decision allows us to focus deeply on [course-specific concepts]. If you're interested in AI, I encourage you to explore related resources and courses. Feel free to reach out with any questions."

"In [Course Name], we will explore our subject without the integration of artificial intelligence technologies. This deliberate approach offers a unique perspective on [specific topics] and encourages in-depth discussions free from AI's influence. For those interested in AI, I recommend seeking related resources and courses. If you have any questions about our course direction, don't hesitate to contact me."

Allowing AI use in your course examples:

"Welcome to [Course Name]. This course embraces the power of artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool for enhancing our exploration of [course-specific concepts]. Throughout the semester, we'll engage with AI technologies to solve problems, analyze data, and foster critical thinking. As we delve into AI's applications, we'll also examine its ethical and societal impacts. I'm here to support your AI journey and address any questions you may have about the course."

"Welcome to [Course Name]. Throughout this course, we will harness the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to deepen our understanding of [course-specific concepts]. AI is a transformative tool that has applications across various domains, and our exploration will empower you with AI skills and insights. In our journey, we'll utilize AI technologies to analyze data, solve problems, and gain valuable insights. This hands-on experience will equip you to navigate the AI landscape effectively."

Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.