Justice Studies

A research guide for students enrolled in Justice Studies courses at UMA.

About Westlaw Campus Research

Westlaw Campus Research is a collection of thousands of law, news, and business publications. It is especially useful for legal research, and it is regularly updated with the most recent news and legal information.  

Law:  The heart of Westlaw Campus Research is the full text of all federal and state U.S. cases. The collection also includes other legal primary sources, such as the United States Code Annotated, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, and European Union laws and regulations. It also contains many secondary sources, including over 800 law reviews and journals, the legal encyclopedia American Jurisprudence, and the analytical series American Law Reports.

News: The collection contains the full text of hundreds of newspapers, newswires, newsletters, broadcast transcripts, magazines, and trade journals. Both U.S. and international publications are included.

Business: The collection contains company information from a variety of sources, including Hoover's Company Records, SEC filings, and Westlaw’s Company Investigator system.

Westlaw Campus Research has a number of features that aid in navigating case law. West's KeyCite flags indicate the status of a case, statute, administrative decision, or regulation. West's Key Number System allows you to click on a number or heading and find other court decisions that address the same legal topic.

Thank you very much, Northcentral University Library for sharing these wonderful tutorials!

Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at uma.library@maine.edu to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.