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Reference Resources in Aviation

Browsing Aviation books

Books on this topic can be found in the library in section TL.

Search the URSUS library catalog to find books on the topic of aviation.  Note the preferred subject term in the catalog is AERONAUTICS.  Books from all UMS campuses as well as the Maine State Library and Bangor Public Library are requestable!

To suggest physical items to add to the UMA collection please fill out our request form here.


LibrarySearch uses a single search box to search most of the library’s electronic and print collections: articles, books, DVDs, and more.


Advanced Search

Books - where & how to find them

LibrarySearch uses a single search box to search most of the library’s electronic and print collections: articles, books, DVDs, and more.

Requesting books from other libraries

We're busy updating this information for our new system. In the meantime, check out our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) page for details.

Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at uma.library@maine.edu to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.