Library support for your courses & research
Faculty members teaching at UMA in Augusta, Bangor, a UMA Center, or online have access to a wide variety of library services. The library can assist with course design, course reserves (physical as well as eReserves), collection development, accessing materials, copyright assistance, and more.
Librarians can assist in helping students develop general education outcomes in information literacy by ensuring students leave UMA with the ability to:
- Determine the extent of information needed.
- Access the needed information effectively and efficiently.
- Evaluate information and its sources critically and constructively.
- Retain and integrate selected information into his or her knowledge base.
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
- Demonstrate the ethical use of information.
We address these learning outcomes through information literacy workshops, embedded librarianship, and through asynchronous learning materials such as our Research Guides and library tutorials.
Please reach out to us if you would like to create learning materials specific to your course or subject area.