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Information Literacy Micro-Credential/Badge

Information about the UMS Informaiton Literacy Badge and how to earn it

UMS Information Liatery badge logoAbout The UMS Badge

This micro-credential recognizes and validates the learner’s successful completion of the University of Maine System (UMS) Information Literacy pathway (Levels 1, 2, and 3):

  • The learner completed training in information literacy and applied their knowledge and skills throughout the research process that culminated in a final research product.
  • The learner worked with a reference librarian in one or more capacities, gathered data from sources using learned tools, evaluated collected data for reliability, authority, and timeliness, and cited sources using the appropriate citing format required for the information product.
  • The learner developed competence in recognizing a need for information, conducting research via appropriate sources (e.g., library catalog, databases, government websites), evaluating and identifying credible information sources, synthesizing information from multiple sources into a final product, and recognizing the importance of applying attribution to others’ ideas used in the project.
  • The learner met the standards of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Framework (see link below).

The rubric used to verify the learner met the required criteria for this micro-credential:

To Get Started

  1. Go to the Information Literacy Micro-Credential site (see link below)
  2. Click on the Enroll in Course.
  3. Once in the course, go to the Welcome section
  4. Click on Enroll in your Campus Group and select your campus
  5. Work your way through the content in Level 1
  6. Contact your librarian when you have completed the Level 1 requirements so the micro-credential can be issued to you

If you want to learn more:

  1. Let your librarian know you wish to continue to level 2 so the librarian can grant you access to it
  2. Once you had completed Level 2, your librarian will verify your work and you can move on to Level 3
  3. If you complete all three levels, you will earn the Information Literacy badge as proof you have mastered a full range of research skills!
Accessibility Statement
The University provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person with a disability who needs accommodations for a workshop should contact UMA Libraries at to submit a request. Due to the lead-time needed to arrange certain accommodations, individuals should submit their request no later 1 week before the event.