
APA, Chicago/Turabian, CSE, MLA citation style guides

Mendeley is a reference manager and research network produced by Elsevier.

Mendeley Resources

Mendeley is not only a citations manage, but also a reference manager that integrates a more extensive "research network platform" to connect with research and scholars around the world. For tips on using Mendeley, visit the following links:

What is Mendeley? Part 1

Mendeley & word processing

Integrate Mendeley with other software for communication between your reference manager and your writing:

Why Mendeley?

From Elsevier:

Why Mendeley has proved my ideal research companion - an author's story, by Fidele Tugizimana

"...Mendeley is not only a literature management tool, the Mendeley web interface provides a research network platform to manage papers online, discover research trends and statistics and connect to like-minded researchers across the globe. With this online profile, I can access my (synchronized) library everywhere - PC-phone-iPad. This makes the reading practical as far as time management is concerned. Furthermore, with the cloud storage, I am assured that my entire library - as long as it is synchronized regularly - is safe even if my PC or storage device runs into technical problems."

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